So, WELCOME BACK, and welcome to the new, and hopefully improved, odds and ends. The format is simple and includes things like upcoming events, meet the staff, and friendly reminders. I plan to give this format a try, so please let me know in a couple of months what you think.
Monday, August 28th: Teacher set-up
Tuesday, August 29th: Full Day Professional Development
Wednesday, August 30th: 1/2 day AM Professional Development
1/2 day PM Teacher set-up
Thursday, August 31st: 1/2 day AM Professional Development
1/2 day PM Teacher set-up
Friday, September 1st: NO SCHOOL
Monday, September 4th: NO SCHOOL
Here is a LINK to a more detailed PD plan.
I want this section to be a place where people can be "introduced" to the PHS staff. Do you know how many times I get asked "who is that?" from one staff member about another staff member? Way too often! So, I have created a FORM and would like for you to fill it out - please, pretty please. It's nothing big, just basically what you would say to parents at an Open House. I went first so you have an example below.
Hi, my name is Cheri Steckel and I am the principal at Plymouth High School. I am entering my 7th year as principal and 9th year at Plymouth, having served as an AP for my first two years. Before becoming an administrator, I had the pleasure of teaching science at Marian High School and then at Canton High School. Not only have I been a teacher and administrator in this district, but I've also been a student! I attended Field and Gallimore Elementary schools, West Middle School, and I'm a proud graduate of Canton High School. Clearly, I loved P-CCS schools so much that I couldn't wait to come back!
My husband, Mike, and I have five daughters: Isabella (15); Abigail (13); Emma (11); Chloe (11); and Haley (6). There is never a dull moment in our house - seriously, not ever! Our girls keep us on our toes and busy running from one place to another. I thought we could not be busier when we had four children under the age of 4 1/2, but people, even strangers, would tell us "if you think you're busy now, just wait until they get older." Yup, I get it now, they were right. Even so, I wouldn't change a thing - my heart is definitely happiest when I am with my family.
My personal goals this year are to live a healthy lifestyle that includes physical activity and to be present in the moment. It's easy to miss out on precious moments when I am checking email, listening to voicemail, or responding to texts on my phone. So, I really want to make sure that I "unplug" a bit each day. My professional goal is to support staff as they integrate effective instructional strategies that engage all students in learning. This is a priority improvement from the AdvancED External Review Team and also a strategy in our school improvement plan.
Five words to describe Plymouth are Learning, Supportive, Dedicated, Opportunity, and Caring
There are a lot of reminders coming out next week; however, I wanted to get this one to you now in case you're ordering items for the start of the year.
Shipping Address: Central Office has continued to see reimbursement requests from employees who have had goods shipped to their home. They will not allow any more exceptions. Please remember that if you order anything it must ship to the school's address.